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This APK MOD file was upload at upload by admin in Action category. Published by , Betrayal 3D – Who is the Devil!! now has a 100,000+ times download on Play Store. Betrayal 3D – Who is the Devil!! is Action category Android Game with rating with 179 number of vote. You can download Betrayal 3D – Who is the Devil!! APK MOD with filename below. Betrayal 3D – Who is the Devil!! APK MOD Latest Version Update in .
For Android User:
Play as the devil and betray others. Or play as the detective friend who finds and catches the devil.
Play as Devil:
Show your cleverness in betrayal and kill everyone to win. But be aware, whenever you are the devil, You are no more a friend to them and they will not treat you lightly. You are an impostor among them. Be stealthy and betray them all.
Play as the Protector:
Be brave enough to catch the impostor devil who’s been killing all your friends. Find him, catch him and teach him a lesson before he finishes you all.