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12 Signs of Love - interactive love story - An Overview
The first Boy's Love of Tictales, (BL games, shonen-ai)! ** "12 Signs of love", what is it?
This is an interactive and free game (Visual novel) in which you will have the opportunity to live a magical romance with one of the four available contenders (Yuji, Kain, Cancer or Sagittarius.)
You will be the only master of your adventure thanks to strong choices that will directly influence the vision of the good and the bad of your character.
Decide whether to live, or not, a love affair with your favorite suitor and unleash unique and beautiful illustrations. **
How do we know if the life we lead is right? Which choice tip the scales?
At eighteen, our hero feels that something important is missing in his life: a goal. Wandering in the shadows of his past, he has long been tormented by terrifying nightmares and decides today to move forward.
Fortunately, two guardians, both seductive and mysterious, come to warn him of imminent danger and his role in this war.
He finds himself, despite himself, embroiled in a dangerous adventure that goes beyond him completely. He does not realize that his choices affect his future and that of his entourage.
When love mixes with its mission ... Will our hero manage to combine the voice of his heart and the weight of his destiny?
Warning: A formidable enemy will do anything to seduce you, will you be able to resist the temptation of a forbidden love?
Will you save your friends and humanity? Or will you plunge the city of Tokyo into misery and flames?
★ CHOOSE your guardian from the two signs on Earth.
★ UNLOCK one of the FOUR purposes.
★ CUSTOMIZE your story.
★ EVOLVES in this imaginary universe.
★ WINS beautiful pictures!
★ SAVE or not some secondary characters!
★ VIS a romance (or not) with love interests!
Start without further delay!
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