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For Android User:
For IOS and Android User:
High-end platforming gameplay in a beautiful 3D world!
Your favorite clockwork automaton is back with a bigger world, crazy new mechanics, and even more insidious levels!
Double jumping over a spike trap while diving sword-first into a crazed Hippogriff never looked so good!
Checkpoints, Bouncy Pads, Ice Blocks, Warps, Rolling Boulders, and a whole slew of new mechanics!
Think you've got a level beat? Think again! Side-quests in every level force you to think outside the helmet!
School your leaderboard friends by playing a daily challenge on just one life!
Use power-ups and items to play your way.
Wind-up Knight has been played by ten million people. Wind-up Knight 2 turns all the dials up to 11.
Updates in v1.8
- Fixed server communication issue that prevented proper sync & restore.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Performance and stability improvements.
- 200% more sassy.