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Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD Free Download

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This is about Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD and i have file of Download Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD than you can explore the download link below. So, if you want to get this amazing file APK MOD about Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD Free Download, just click -the download APK MOD button- below.

This APK MOD file was upload at 2020-05-13 upload by admin in Board category. Developed by Mozzo Studio, Ludo Champion now has a 10,000,000+ times download on Android Play Store. Ludo Champion is Board category game with rating with 31890 number of vote. You can download Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD with filename below. Ludo Champion 1.1.4 APK MOD Latest Version Update in 2020-05-13.

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Ludo Champion 1.1.4 screenshots 2
******** Ludo ********
Ludo is a strategy board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single dice. Snakes & Ladders is an another board game.we do not have to go dig a friend to play this.
The match includes four red, blue, green, yellow players. Is your friend the king of Ludo? The game is a simple race contest based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children.
The game is played between 2 and 4 players and we have the option of playing against your teammates,family, friends etc.
The purpose of the game is pretty easy, Each player gets 4 tokens, this token must create a full board round and then get to the finish line.

******** Snakes and Ladders ********
Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is played between two or more players on a game-board.
In this game, you will have to roll down the dice, in order to move to different positions on the board, wherein on the journey to the destination, you will be pulled down by snakes and raised to a higher position by a ladder.

******** Sholo Guti (16 Beads) ********
Sholo Guti is famous in asian countries mainly in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Indonesia Nepal and other.This Indian game is also
known as bagh-bakri,tiger trap or baghchal - crossing over game of tiger trap,draughts,16 gitti, Sixteen Soldiers,bagh chal, Bara Tehn or barah goti game of childhood game of two persons.
Sholo guti where 16 bead boards will be in gameplay like in checkers game. Each bead can move one step forward on the valid positions of the cort. If a player can cross a pawn of the other side then the player will achieve 1 point. In this way whoever create stategic planning & manages to achieve 16 points will be the winner.

******** Tic Tac Toe ********

Tic Tac Toe is free classic puzzle game also known as 'Noughts and Crosses or sometimes X and O'.The Tic Tac Toe is a great way to pass your free time whether you're standing in a line or spending time with your kids. Stop wasting paper and save trees. Because of the simplicity of Tic Tac Toe, it is often used as a pedagogical tool for teaching the concepts of good sportsmanship and the branch of artificial intelligence.
Minor bug fixes.
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