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This APK MOD file was upload at 2019-12-22 upload by admin in CasualBrain Games category. Developed by iGold Technologies, Tapped Geo now has a 50,000+ times download on Android Play Store. Tapped Geo is CasualBrain Games category Android/iOS game with rating with 56 number of vote. You can download Tapped Geo 1.0.8 APK MOD with filename below. Tapped Geo 1.0.8 APK MOD Latest Version Update in 2019-12-22.
For Android User:
For IOS and Android User:
Amazing tap tap fruit chain forming games spread across all continents of the world.
Tackle them one by one to find more interesting games open up on your way.
Play variety of addictive tap tap fruit puzzles set by aliens to stop you from helping tom reach his home.
Hundreds of interesting levels on routes interconnected and spread across continents all over the world.
Game starts from southern tip of South America and you progress through paths by completing levels on them.
Levels on each path are of different kind and progressively challenging.
How to Play:
- Tap over a fruit to clear all similar fruits in that chain.
- In each tap, Longer the chain of fruits, higher the score you will get.
- Plan your strategy to tackle aliens disrupting your game.
- Clear a chain of ten or more fruits to form special powers.
- Complete all levels in a path to open a new path with different kind of levels.
There are several unique game modes with individual missions as below:
Classic, Reveal It, Catch the Flag, 64 Fruits, Word Mania, Fruit Mania,
Spider, Frozen Fruits, Hidden Fruits, Snow Fall,Bring Me Down, Reducing Fruits & Bees.
- Map and point level loading issue fixed.
- Improved game performance and stability.
- Few other bug fixes and enhancements are done.