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For Android User:
For IOS and Android User:
Awesome freestyle BMX game in 3D.
Whether you like skating street, or big ramps, half pipes and bowls, BMX FE3D has it all, completely free!
Ride fast, do manuals, slides, flip tricks, grabs, wall rides and all the other tricks you can imagine, and line them together for insane combos like the pros!
Skate one of the 9 awesome premade skateparks, or create your own custom park, with more than 40 different ramps, rails and funboxes, to choose from!
Customize your characters clothes and BMX!
Earn skill points to level up your characters skills, like jump height, spin speed and more!
Play 3 different game modes: Arcade Mode, S-K-A-T-E Mode and Free Run!
The game is developed by independent developer EnJen Games. Follow EnJen Games on, to request new features, report bugs, or get the latest news about new EnJen Games or updates!
- 8 new tricks!
- Other improvements and bug fixes