This is about Granny: Chapter Two 0.8.4 APK MOD and i have file of Download Granny: Chapter Two 0.8.4 APK MOD than you can explore the download link below. So, if you want to get this amazing file APK MOD about Granny: Chapter Two 0.8.4 APK MOD Download, just click -the download APK MOD button- below.
This APK MOD file was upload at 2019-09-17 upload by com.dvloper.grannychaptertwo admin in Arcade category. Published by DVloper, Granny: Chapter Two now has a 10,000,000+ times download on Play Store. Granny: Chapter Two is Arcade category game with 8.4 rating with 106680 number of vote. You can download Granny: Chapter Two 0.8.4 APK MOD with filename below. Granny: Chapter Two 0.8.4 APK MOD Latest Version Update in 2019-09-17.
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Welcome to Granny: Chapter Two.
Granny and Grandpa keeps you locked in his house this time.
To survive You have to try to get out of his house, but be careful and quiet. Granny hears everything as usual. Grandpa doesn't hear very well but he hits hard.
If you drop something on the floor, Granny hears it and comes running.
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds.
You have 5 days.
Be careful!
* Now the player cannot fall through the floor in the staircase towards the sewer.
* Objects does not get stuck in the player anymore.
* Fixed so Grandpa doesn't get stunned forever when he gets shot in his sleep.
* Grandpa does not become two Grandpas when he is stunned and then gets shot by the shotgun.
* Granny and Grandpa do not spawn on the same floor as the player after they get shot.
* Fixed so that the player can't climb on the chest of drawers.