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Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD Download

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This is about Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD and i have file of Download Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD than you can explore the download link below. So, if you want to get this amazing file APK MOD about Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD Download, just click -the download APK MOD button- below.

This APK MOD file was upload at 2019-07-23 upload by com.segasvd.WeaponFieldStrip admin in Simulation category. Published by Sega SVD, Weapon stripping now has a 1,000,000+ times download on Android Play Store. Weapon stripping is Simulation category Android/iOS game with 9.0 rating with 29840 number of vote. You can download Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD with filename below. Weapon stripping 53.289 APK MOD Latest Version Update in 2019-07-23.

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This game is a gun simulation wich allows you to assemble and disassemble (also know as field stripping) several firearms from different eras - the game includes assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, revolvers and shotguns.

Assembly and dissasembly are not the only things you can do. The firearms are fully operatable, you can fire the weapons, learn how each one fires in different modes: automatic, burst (If the gun has the feature) and single fire. You can study how the guns work by deactivating some superficial features of the gun to show the mechanism and/or slowing down time to better understand the gun. You can also try to get the highest score amongst your friends.

This game is like your very own personal armory!

The firearms currently in game are:
- AK (also known as AK-47 or Kalashnikov Assault rifle)
- VSS Vintorez (special sniper rifle)
- AK-74M (as known as 5.45 mm Kalashnikov Assault rifle)
- SR-3M (special assault rifle)
- AKS-74U (the shortened Kalashnikov for special operations and police operations)
- M4A1 Carabine
- APS (Stechkin Automatic Pistol)
- APB (Silent automatic pistol)
- PM (Makarov Pistol)
- Glock 17
- M1911-A1 (aka Colt 1911)
- TT (Tulsky Tokarev pistol)
- PP-19 Bizon
- Steyr AUG
- MP-40
- PPS-43 (Sudaev SMG)
- StG-44 (Sturmgewehr 44, MP-43, MP-44)
- PPSh-41 (Shpagin SMG)
- SVD (Dragunov Sniper Rifle)
- Nagant revolver
- Thompson submachine gun (Tommy gun, Chicago typewriter )
- Mosin rifle
- DP-27 machine gun
- Mauser C96 M711
- Luger "Parabellum" P08
- Walther P38
- GSh-18
- M1 Garand
- M240 machine gun
- H&K G36
- Barrett M82A1
- H&K MP5
- FN P90
- Fyodorov Avtomat
- Uzi
- Mossberg 500
- Winchester M1873 ( Henry repeating rifle, lever action gun)
- PB (Silent Pistol)
- MG-42 machinegun
- PKM - Kalashnikov machinegun
- Walther PPK
- Colt New Service revolver (model 1909)
- SVT-40
- Mauser kar98k
- Beretta 92FS (M9)
- Desert Eagle
- PPK-42 (Kalashnikov experimental SMG)
- CZ 75
- STEn Mk.II
- SMLE (Lee-Enfield) MK.III
- Browning Hi-Power

New weapons from all over the world will keep being added to the game for you to play with and experiment.
v.54.293 - Browning Hi-Power

version history:
v.53.x - SMLE (Lee-Enfield) MK.III
v.52.x - STEn Mk.II
v.51.x - CZ 75
v.50.x - FAMAS F1
v.49.x - PPK-42 (Kalashnikov experimental SMG)
v.48.x - Desert Eagle
v.47.x - Beretta 92FS (M9)
v.46.x - Mauser kar98k
v.45.x - SVT-40
v.44.x - Colt New Service revolver (model 1909)
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