This is about CarX Highway Racing 1.64.2 APK MOD and i have file of Download CarX Highway Racing 1.64.2 APK MOD than you can explore the download link below. So, if you want to get this amazing file APK MOD about CarX Highway Racing 1.64.2 APK MOD Download, just click -the download APK MOD button- below.
This APK MOD file was upload at 2019-06-14 upload by com.CarXTech.highWay admin in Racing category. Developed by CarX Technologies, CarX Highway Racing now has a 5,000,000+ times download on Android Play Store. CarX Highway Racing is Racing category game with 9.3 rating with 96020 number of vote. You can download CarX Highway Racing 1.64.2 APK MOD with filename below. CarX Highway Racing 1.64.2 APK MOD Latest Version Update in 2019-06-14.
For Android User:
For IOS and Android User:
CarX Highway Racing is among a few racing games based on a realistic physical model which gives you an unprecedented driving experience.
Face numerous rivals, escape from the relentless police, and discover un unlimited number of new highways.
You will plunge in a world full of adrenalin, sport cars and high speed highways!
Particular features:
- Controlled by CarX Engine
- High-quality car models
- Detailed environment with changing day and night
- Uncompromising rivals with AI elements
- Lively traffic and relentless police
- Various game modes
- Campaign mode, missions and tasks
The only rule here is to be the first one to cross the finish line.
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Rebalance of traffic and difficulty of the races
Some bugs fixed